
Been having contractions for the last 4 hours...

but they aren't getting any stronger.  WTF?  They have been lasting about 1:30 and have been coming about every 3 mins-5 mins.  Should I wait it out or call the OB?

Re: Been having contractions for the last 4 hours...

  • They sound pretty regular. But it may be false labor since they aren't getting stronger. I'd wait it out a little longer.
  • See if they stop when you take a warm shower--that's how I knew when it was time!
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
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  • i would get in the shower and start massaging my nipples!!! thats what the dr told me to do when I started contractions like you...and it worked!!
  • Have two really big glasses of water and try to relax.  That's what the nurse at L&D told me when I called with false labor.  If they slow down or go away, then obviously, you weren't in "real" labor.

    Or you could try walking and see if that speeds things up.  It worked for me once I was in labor.

  • Try laying down and resting. Mine would actually get less strong when I'd get up, but were pretty intense when I was resting.
  • See I'd be heading in and demanding the epidural about now. No point suffering.

    Whatever happens, good luck!?

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