
If you've been to midnight mass ...

What is it like?  Is it longer than an hour?  Is it crazy packed?

I've always wanted to go, but it never works out.  This year, I'm having company Christmas Eve, have early risers who are up between 5-6 AM so I'd get very little sleep.  We're also traveling Christmas Day.  If not this year, maybe next year.

Re: If you've been to midnight mass ...

  • Its crazy packed...and because of that its longer than an hour (communion always takes longer). 

  • The church we go to is crazy packed! But we drop the kids off at the daycare center and try to find a seat. Sometimes we end up standing though. I love it. It is a little longer than a typical Sunday mass for us. Usually a Sunday mass is about an hour, and this is sometimes an hour and a half.

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  • We always used to go before we had kids.  Yes, it is usually packed, and it is a bit longer b/c the choir sings Christmas carols, not much longer though.

    It's so nice- with all the candles and everything. At my old church, they also used to put baby Jesus in the nativity scene, so that maybe added 5 minutes :)

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Would it be more packed than an Easter service?
  • I think it really depends on your church.  I love Midnight Mass, I just love Christmas Ever mass, it is so pretty and fun.  Some churches I've been to it's been packed and others only 1/2 full. 

     I hope you get to go soon.

  • In my experience they've always been VERY crowded and long. It always was a nice service though (candle light tid-bits and lots of singing/orchestra pieces).

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
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