Here are a couple of very old pics I happen to have available on this computer. Now I'm totally inspired to dig them out and make dd several shirts for Christmas. Miles is really, really into having matching clothes with Anna (like, he totally digs them wearing matchy striped HA pajamas)- he'd really get a kick out of it if I'd make them matching embroidered shirts...?
I love embroidering because I can sit with DH in his music room and I am not cooped up in my office working so it is good all around.. and a much cheaper hobby!
When working on onesies and other knits did you find that you needed to use some sort of iron-on interfacing on the back or were you able to do them without it??
I do use iron on interfacing and it makes things much easier. Knit is so finicky.. I also prefer the American Apparel shirts. I have used 5 different shirts and they came out the best.
I just started using an embroidery loop which I wasn't before and it makes a world of difference. I should have read the "how to's" before diving in and I would have saved myself a lot of time!
Re: Cleo
Here are a couple of very old pics I happen to have available on this computer. Now I'm totally inspired to dig them out and make dd several shirts for Christmas. Miles is really, really into having matching clothes with Anna (like, he totally digs them wearing matchy striped HA pajamas)- he'd really get a kick out of it if I'd make them matching embroidered shirts...?
Those are adorable!
I love embroidering because I can sit with DH in his music room and I am not cooped up in my office working so it is good all around.. and a much cheaper hobby!
I do use iron on interfacing and it makes things much easier. Knit is so finicky.. I also prefer the American Apparel shirts. I have used 5 different shirts and they came out the best.
I just started using an embroidery loop which I wasn't before and it makes a world of difference. I should have read the "how to's" before diving in and I would have saved myself a lot of time!