when people complain about being so pregnant and wanting their kid out? I would give anything to be that pregnant. I assume this is normal. I just think about this because my cousin is 38 weeks and wants to be induced. I understand wanting to meet your baby, but there is no reason for her to be induced. It just upsets me, because I dont think its fair. I did so well staying healthy and everything not gaining to much weight etc and she just doesnt care and she is having a full term baby and I had a preemie. Sorry I just had to vent. I know you girls will understand.
Re: Does it ever make you upset
Ugh, I know the feeling....
But mine is my brother's crackhead ex fiance just had a baby who was full term, and I know she was on crack the whole time....go figure....and now has a perfectly healthy baby....and no the baby is not my brothers
we found out she was cheating, and smoking crack after they broke up...I would have never tried to like her had I known of all the skeletons..
And it's one thing to complain about being miserable-that I get.
but I literally had a friend who visited Robbie in the NICU when he was still less than 2lbs and she got to 34w pregnant and was trying to figure out what she could do to send herself into labor.
My favorite NICU doctor actually brought this up to me while we were there.. asking if I had friends saying that sort of thing. I told him about my friend and he was like "Woah. That's the wrong thing to say at all, but REALLY the wrong thing to say to YOU."
My Blog
I was blessed to have a very healthy, uneventful pregnancy (until the end of course)...so I can't say that I know what it feels like to be grossly uncomfortable during pregnancy. But I do know how unbelieveably heartwretching it is to leave the hospital without my baby.
It does irritate me when I hear people say they wish their baby would come out already, when they aren't even full-term. My polite response is to casually laugh it off while cursing them under my breath. My less polite response is to tell them to do a few days of NICU time & then tell me if they really want their baby born early. And it doesn't matter how many times I try to explain that feeling to people they just don't get it the way other preemie mommies do.
Yup, I know exactly what you mean!