Arrrgh!!! I'm so angry with him. The first time, I let it slide, but yesterday I was looking for the gap bill so I could get the reward cert.... It was nowhere to be found.
He threw the stupid thing away. I worked hard for that certificate, too! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to earn more points to get another one!
Re: H has thrown away two gap reward certificates!
No way?!
It's worth a try, for sure!
If DH did that.. I would have told him he will be paying the cost of what I wanted to purchase!
I lurve my $10 offs + my %15 GAP contest coupon + 25% off rewards certificate.. now I just need to find a few things to buy!
Seriously. If I weren't 'with-child,' I probably would have thrown a few things and maybe accidentally hit him with something. (kidding, kind of)
SO FREAKING ANNOYING. No matter how many times I tell him about stuff like this, he still throws crap away!