
Cutting DS's hair is a fecking nightmare. Help!

Ever since he got his first hair cut, it's been a grueling, screaming, kicking, flailing nightmare.

So, because of that, I've only done it a handful of times and all times except for the first, I'd done with a pocket full of lollipops.  Not that it really mattered because he'd be double fisting lollipops and still screaming like someone is cutting off his leg.

Tonight, MH just tried to cut the bang part a bit because it's in his eyes now and he lost his mind.  Seriously, I thought he was going to vomit he was so upset and took FOREVER to calm down.

I just do not know what to do.  He's never had a bad experience, he just hates it.  Loathes it.  To the point where I can't really take him somewhere to have it done because it's just too much.

And apparently we can't do it either or he freaks the feck out.  (Not to mention, then MH was getting all upset and that just compounded the problem).

Any suggestions?  I don't care if it's long, but it's bothering his eyes.

Oh, and he also said "No want hair cut".  So, well, what do you do with that?


Me with my littlest.

Re: Cutting DS's hair is a fecking nightmare. Help!

  • Have you actually tried taking him to a Cartoon Cut's place yet? ?If not, you might be surprised. ?My son had hysterical fits whenever I cut his hair and I assumed he would freak out if we took him somewhere to have it done. ?But to my great surprise, he LOVES getting his haircut now. ?The stylists at the kiddie places are used to kids freaking out and can cut very quickly even while the little ones are wiggling and squirming. GL!
  • I guess I'll invest in some hair clips. 

    I've taken him to 2 different kid hair places, Cartoon Cuts included.  Ugh.


    Me with my littlest.
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  • No suggestions - we are in the same boat. DS had a haircut today (we take him to Snip-Its, the kid place) and it was the usual screaming hysteria, complete with snot bubble and DH and I both needing to help restrain him enough to get a quick cut. We use the full arsenal - cartoons, lollipops, cookies, bubbles, etc. - nothing helps. We get it cut as short as we can stand and then wait until it is ridiculously mullet-like before we cut it again. At least that buys us time.
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  • I have no words of wisdom, but I do feel better that it's not just MY kid that does this!!  He goes BALLISTIC - both at kids places and if I try to do it at home.  My dreams of having a kid with a nice haircut are shattered :)  hahaha... obviously there are worse things, but we are borderline mullet here as well and although I'd love for it to be cut before Xmas, I'm not sure I can handle the drama.

    Apparently there is no place that has enough toys/lollipops/distractions to make a haircut enjoyable for my DS.  Most people have told me that if you keep taking them to the same place that eventually they will get used to it.  But will I??

     Almost makes me think about the flowbee... do they still make those?  More b/c I would LOVE to see the look on DS' face if I put a vaccum up to his head.  Priceless :)

  • We went through this with Sam. The one thing that's worked was for DH to sit in the chair, & for Sam to sit on DH's lap. After he got one that way, he saw that it was no big deal & now doesn't seem to mind. Oh, & we totally bribe him with lollipops. (I call them "hair pops", because by the time the hair cut is over, those thing are NASTY).

    For amusement, see my post above about Sam setting off the fire alarm at the hair salon today. :-)

    Hope it gets easier for you!

  • Mini M&M's one at a time.  And I found out my local kids place will let me bring my own dvd (he LOOOVES Curious George).  The M&M's are really the secret though.  He doesn't have chocolate any other time so he will sit through the whole tube. 
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