
Did you listen to music while in labor?

If so, what type of music "worked" for you then?
I want to create a couple different L&D playlists but just wondering what others found relaxing/annoying/whatever while in labor.
fraternal twin boys born january 2009

Re: Did you listen to music while in labor?

  • no... I had a quick and easy labor and delivery though
  • My DH downloaded some meditations for me to listen to during labor... some were pregnancy based, others were just relaxing meditations with nice music and soothing voices - helped me focus on things other than pain, etc.  It helped.

    i didn't listen to it when i was in active labor- just during the day waiting to push.

  • Loading the player...
  • I listened to the Foo Fighters...
  • Well, having to have a c-section sort of ruined our music plans,  but when I was planning for a natural birth I had a whole playlist, mostly of that very soothing instrumental type stuff you hear at a spa...rain sounds or harp  music, that kind of thing.
  • I had an emergency C section but there was music on in the operating room--I delivered my babies to Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie...I'm serious! Everytime I hear that song now I swear my uterus contracts...HA HA
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