
bili levels

I delievered 3 weeks early on Sunday due to pre-e


We got to come home yesterday, but had to go see the peditrician today to check his levels. He climbed from a 13 to 17.5. He's now on a bilibed.


Has anyone had any experience with this?


Re: bili levels

  • my daughter was under the lights for 3 weeks :( she had a REALLY hard time with her levels, but she eventually got it under control. It sucks not being able to hold your baby whenever you want :(


    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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  • My son is 2 weeks old now. ?He was born at 35 weeks. ?When were able to go home away. ?His Bili levels were 8.8 on discharge day. ?The next day I noticed he was getting more and more yellow. ?I took him to the Dr. and they had me take him to the emergency room. ?At the ER the bili levels were up to 17 or 17.5 I can't remember. ?They admitted him to the hospital right away and put him under the bililights for 2 days. ?When we left the hospital his levels were down to 12. ?I went to the dr the next day to make sure they were going down and they had went back up to 13.3. ?The doctor wanted to see him 2 days later and they had went down to 12.7. ?The doctor had me quit breastfeeding for 24 hours. ?After that he I could see the yellow fading more and more everyday. ?We went to the Dr. yesterday and he said we didn't even need to have his bilirubin checked because he looked so good!...Hopefully my son's story will help you feel better, it gets better!
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