
Oh No...why is DD starting this now! HELP!

She has always been great about going down for her naps for the last month.  She would pick up her blankie walk to her room, say night night, and then would cry for about 15 mins and go to sleep.  The last few days have been horrible!  She wants to be rocked (which is pain since her rocking chair was moved to #2's room) and then refuses to go down.  She now has figured out how to open her door as of last night.  We moved her rocking chair back to her room...but that seems to not have helped. I don't know if I should break out bedtime rules and just cuddle with her until she falls asleep, or reinforce what we have been doing, so it is not a huge change when #2 comes and when  I really CAN'T spend an hour putting her down for her nap and bedtime! WDYT?

Re: Oh No...why is DD starting this now! HELP!

  • Because your DS is due to arrive any minute.  I'd stick with the bedtime rules and hope it's just a phase! 
    Liam is 5!
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  • My dd started dong the same thing around that age.  I stuck to our rules and just put her in the bed.  She got the hint that we were not going to come in a get her and eventually fell asleep.  SOmetimes she would play in her bed for a while before going to sleep but, she was not crying so I did not mind.  I think it will pass.  Is she getting teeth? That may also be a factor.


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  • I would stick to the bedtime rules now.  I think it will be worse if you get into the habit of rocking her now and then stop when #2 comes.
  • I just checked her back molars the other day (the only ones left to get) and I didn't notice anything. 
  • Stick to the rules. ?You will be happy you did when DC # 2 is here. ?DD started doing things like that too right before ds was born.. it' s like they can sense that something is about to change and want more attention. ?Good luck:)
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