My 2-year-old loves the phone. ?Every time anyone calls, she runs over asking if she can talk. ?Yesterday, she practically had a meltdown because I wouldn't let her talk to the mechanic on the phone. ?We've developed somewhat of a daily ritual of her calling my mom on my cell and chatting away for over half an hour (I just put it on speakerphone and she carries it around the house with her - thank goodness for free mobile-to-mobile). ?This is so funny to me, because I have NEVER enjoyed talking on the phone in my entire life, DH and my mom being the only exceptions. ?DH, on the other hand, loves the phone and is constantly talking. ?She must have gotten it from him.
Re: Anyone else's toddler love to talk on the phone?
Play phone/my old cell phone: She's on it all day long!
Um, yeah. My DS asks if he can call the weatherman and then he'll shout out "It's 48! Chance of rain!" It's hilarious.
And when I'm on the phone with an actual person, he'll say "can I say Hi?" over and over until I hand him the phone.