
symptoms for roseola?

I'm off to google it now, but want to ask you ladies too.

thanks! :)?

Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image

Re: symptoms for roseola?

  • Pimpley red rash, and fever.


    Well, those are all the symptoms L had when he had it.?

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  • Fever for a day or two, and then when it breaks a red rash breaks out, mostly on the trunk of the body.

    Rory's rash lasted about 3 days.  It didn't seem to bother her, and her pedi said if it did (ie itch) I could give her some benadryl, but it was never necessary.

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  • Will had a really high fever for several days.  That was his only symptom.  Once the fever broke, the rash broke out on his back.
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