
Holy Hectic Christmas!!!

So my sister sucks, as usual, and won't host Christmas Eve this year (I did Thanksgiving and my parents are doing Christmas).  She calls me late last night and shoves it off on me including inviting her inlaws as well.  Thanks, sis.  It's all fine though, she's lucky that I love to entertain even though I have to work on Christmas Eve.  Plus my inlaws and StepBIL + wife will be coming over for dessert.

So Christmas Eve at my house.  Wake up early and go to in-laws to do stockings (it's their tradition and SIL will be arriving so we're doing it there).  Lunch at my parents.  Nap for DS at our house.  Back to my parents for a little bit. Then back to in-laws for dinner.  I have never been so glad I took the day after Christmas off so that I can relax!  And thank goodness we live within a few minutes of my parents and in-laws!

Liam is 5!
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