DD has pretty long hair, it's about half way down her back if you stretch out her curls. She has a ton of hair (see pic below) but it is very thin so every morning she wakes up with a rats nest on the back of her head. She is allergic to JnJ hair detangler (she breaks out in red splotches) and so I try to use it sparingly. Any suggestions as to how to either control the knotting or something else to use as a detangler? Thanks.
Re: Mom's of girls - hair question
This is what we use for my dd's rat's nest. She has really fine hair, too. I use it on her entire head in the morning because it also tames static really well.
Paul Mitchell has a line of detangling spray! ?It is specifically for kids, so maybe it won't make her break out the way JnJ does!!
As a last resort I use the JnJ gel detangler. I can control it better than spray but the smell seems a little overwhelming.
Sometimes I use conditioner but usually I just comb it really well after her bath. There are still some tangles in the morning but I can usually get through those with a comb if I go slow enough.
6 year old daughter
Fraternal boys born on May 11, 2013 at 36 weeks 4 days