
Moms of 2 under 2

If you are planning on a 3rd DC do you want to have similar spacing (within 2 years from your youngest) or will you wait longer for #3?

We most likely will have a #3 in the next couple of years and my DDs are 18mos apart and honestly I LOVE the spacing so far. My newborn is very easy and STTN since 5weeks so I'm sure that is part of why it has been way easier than expected so far. The idea of 3 children when my oldest is only at/around 3yrs old seems much tougher though, lol. However on the flipside, waiting until my youngest is at or near 2 to TTC seems like we'll be too far removed from baby-hood for our liking (we don't want to return to too much of "normal" and have to go back to the newborn stage). I'm curious what others think about the spacing if you're in a similar situation :)

Re: Moms of 2 under 2

  • IF we have a third, it won't be until the boys are at least 4 and 5 years old.
  • My girls are 26 mo apart.  DH wanted me to be PG already.  However, I am still BF, have not gotten AF and DD2 still wakes 2+ times at night.  I am content that it will happen when it is meant to happen.  DH wants them no more than 26 mo apart (he wants a fall/winter baby again).
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  • your siggy is ADORABLE!!  Love it :)

    Honestly, I would kinda like to have them pretty close in age again - but I know my hubby wants a bit of a break.  I am like you though, really don't want to get too far removed from all the baby stuff and then have to start over again.  Also, I just really want the kids pretty close in age for their own sake - I think they have a better chance of being close if they are interested in similar things.  And I want to get done having kids earlier in MY life so I can start getting my body back and know it isn't going to get wrecked again. 

    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • UGA - thanks and your boys are gorgeous :) I totally feel the same way, but at the same time I do want to just enjoy the girls for awhile and let it be easy for just a bit :) It's a tough call hopefully we will be blessed enough again to get our desired spacing when the time is right.

  • We probably won't have a third, but if we do, we are definately waiting until the youngest is at least 2 before we TTC.
  • I'm done having kids so I can't comment, but wanted to say your siggy is adorable!! I love the Santa beard!
    Christmas 2009 image
  • My girls are 18 months apart and there will be a 2.5 year spacing b/w #2 and #3.  I would have preferred it closer, but I m/c'd before this most recent pregnancy.  As it stands though, I think the spacing will be perfect.  DD2 was a little slower to talk than DD1 was but she'll be a great age when #3 comes along.
  • 2 under 1= decently easy.

    3 under 3= nightmare most of the time

  • I have a 19 month spacing, then a 22 month spacing. It's worked perfectly for us.
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
  • GHM god bless you. I'm not even considering anything under 18mos spacing so 3 under 3 wouldn't happen for us. 3+ for my oldest would be the absolute earliest. Ideal spacing for me is somewhere around (18-24mo apart I think).
  • I really wanted all my kids to be close in age.  I love the age difference of the girls (20 months).  BUT we are not at a place emotionally or financially to have another baby right now (or rather get PG right now).  The plan is to wait at least a year or so more and then thing about it which would put them closer to 3 years younger than DD#2.  We might be done, though.  Like you, I just couldn't imagine going back to the baby stage with my girls in preschool/kindergarten or maybe even both in "real school".  If we do, we may end up with 4 too because the girls are so close already and I worry the youngest would be too left out.  I don't know.  Much as it kills me (and I cried my eyes out over this decision), the timing just isn't right for us right now...
  • I'm still pregnant with my second, but they will be 22 months apart.  I'll obviously see how I do with 2 before seriously planning for #3, but as of now, the plan is to wait until our second is around 17-18 months before ttc #3.  I'd like there to be around 2 1/2 years between #2 &3.
    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Our plan is to TTC#3 when #2 is 2 years old. This would (hopefully) give us a summer baby.  This way, our kidswould all be 2 years apart in school, and i will have time to go back to work and get tenure before #3.

    I can't imagine them granting me 3 non-tenured, extended maternity leaves. I think I pushed my luck far enough :)

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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