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for MJ's room. I have the bedding, but the walls are bare.
LOVE MJ super cute
what color are th walls? do you want to bring out the red or pink?
Oh, and the furniture is black.
Yea, we are going to do name letters. I am working on getting one of my friend's MILs to make them for me.
We have this bookshelf in G's room. It is low so she can reach it
these are cute if you want to do flowers
Re: Anyone bored? Help me find accessories
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
LOVE MJ super cute
what color are th walls? do you want to bring out the red or pink?
Oh, and the furniture is black.
Yea, we are going to do name letters. I am working on getting one of my friend's MILs to make them for me.
We have this bookshelf in G's room. It is low so she can reach it
these are cute if you want to do flowers