

I love you I really do but I know you talked with DH about all the things you are now asking me.  So why ask?  You know the answers.  You read my blog its not like they have changed.  I dont want to do the petty little small talk and I know you are a nurse but you are not my nurse so I dont want or need the medical advice.  I also do not need you asking about what is or is not happening to my crotch at this point.  Is it really necessary?

Ahhhh do we really have to love MILs all the time?

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  • Nope, we don't have to love anyone all the time! Just tell her that as far as your vagina is concerned, you are the only one who needs to know anything about it.
    no day but today~ RENT  *HEG survivors*
    ::where a sig pic would go if TB wasn't a d*ck::
     Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • lol.

    my MIL is a nurse, too - WAS a nurse actually - which makes the info she knows SOOO outdated- yet she thinks she knows it all.  I work in the medical field and know more than her at this point - so it gets really annoying to hear her crap.

    At least your MIL knows how to use a computer.

    I didn't know anyone DID love their MILs?? lol

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  • that would drive me CRAZY!!! I am glad that neither of my MIL's like me so I don't have to deal with them. I honestly don't think either of them have called since I got pg to ask me how things are going.
  • HaHa. I loved my MIL to pieces..until we got pregnant. And I have been around her for almost 14 years. These babies are coming on Monday and everytime I see her she asks about my crotch too. Today we had lunch together...thanks, but I don't really like talking about my cervix over lunch.

  • I completely understand! My MIL is an OB RN at her hospital (and has been for 15 years or so). She is utterly irritating during pregnancy. She will find out about our twins next Wednesday (not necessarily looking forward to that :)  When Anakin was born, I made sure to warn my nurses about her LOL!
  • My MIL has been all about my boobs lately. The last few times I have seen her she talks about how she is amazed that I am all belly and didnt get bigger any where else. Then she continues checking out my chest and says how my boobs havent gotten any bigger. The first time I just changed the subject, but this last time I had to let her know they did get bigger, but compared to my belly everything else just seems small.

    I have also loved the time when she told me all about her pubic hair.  

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  • Ugh, that would drive me crazy! My MIL and FIL both passed away before I met DH so I haven't had that issue. Actually the only really intrusive questions I've gotten from people this pregnancy are around the issue of conception--the "Are they natural twins?" "Were fertility treatments involved?" etc.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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