
BOF ~ I need some background

I need your actual due date, baby's info according to the last sono if you've had one recently and how did you last delivery go.


Re: BOF ~ I need some background

  • by LMP, due 12/25

    by 6 week u/s, due 1/20 (?!)

    at 20 week u/s, due 1/15

    at last 5 appts measuring 2 weeks ahead, last week " at LEAST 2 weeks ahead, if not more.."

    last time I was induced a week late, STILL took 3 days...

    have been having BAD cramps, ( yesterday, not today, yet.) and bh for the last week...

    I WANT it to happen before our insurance changes over on 1/09...does that make a difference? ha ha...



  • How regular are your menstrual cycles and how was first baby's size compared to the sonos?
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  • VERRY regular when I have them, but I was bfing at the time of knock up....

    so NOT regular then, but usually very reg.

     she was 7lb8oz...I measured right on the whole time with her...

    you are so wise...

  • Unfortunately, I think you will have the baby ON the 9th.  Maybe if you have the baby in the early a.m., it won't matter with regards to the insurance??
  • ooops I meant 01/01/ neeeeeeeds to be before January!!!


    can't you DO anything??

  • The best I can do is the 7th, which is actually my birthday but I'm pretty sure it will be the 9th.
  • well- I supose it isn't the 20th, at least!!

    I appreciate your mystic prowess!

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