There's been several corporate communications lately that all hint about possible waves of layoffs over the next year. I think our department is pretty "light" anyway but I'm thinking of telling my boss that if he needs to, he can pick me (I'm bottom on the rung anyway and have the lowest skills set) without feeling an ounce of guilt.
We've talked casually in the past about my possibly SAH sometime in the next few years and he's definitely not the type to hold it against me so I don't feel like I'd be shooting myself in the foot here. I just don't want him to stress out about me being pg and all. He's got enough work-related stuff to stress about!
Good idea/bad idea? (oh and DH is totally on board with my staying home but neither one of us are "ready" to make the move ourselves at this time)
Re: I think I might tell boss to lay me off...
Liam is 5!
I debatted this at my current employeer. I don't think its a good idea to shoot yourself in the foot. If they don't chose you anyways, you will be marked as an employee who doesn't want to be there.
Also, with the economy downturn and no end in sight...what if your DH gets laid off? I think its a bad time to be volunteering for a layoff.
After the new baby comes, maybe then leave...hopefully things will be different in 9 months.
Oh I'd definitely mention that I love this job and currently want to stick around but I'm sure it's extremely uncomfortable to lay people off, especially when it's corporate/budget related and nothing due to job performance. I just wouldn't want him to feel bad unnecessarily!
So I wouldn't necessarily be "volunteering" just saying that if for some reason it had to be me, then it would be OK.
Liam is 5!
Depends on your relationship with your boss.
I am very close friends with the manager I had for most of my 10 year career (I just lost the job in October). I had no problem dropping hints that I'd be o.k. being on "the list."
It's pretty standard procedure in that company to volunteer to be laid off, though.
I think its fine!
When I had B, we were going through some transitions here and I told my boss if he had to lay me off, I'd be ok with it. Didn't happen and I'm still here so I didn't shoot myself in the foot.