
Ok girls, help me out here, boots...

I need some nice waterproof  boots (to take the kids sledding).  My mom is willing to buy them for me and pay $100 If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be greatful.  TIA Big Smile

Re: Ok girls, help me out here, boots...

  • I got Mia a pair of snow boots from Lands End last year ($5!!!). It was end of season but the boots are great quality and would be worth paying more for. I'd check there!
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • OK , I'm awake now. Boots for YOU!!! I'd still check Lands End or LL Bean.  Sorry!
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
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  • I have a pair of Sorels, which I love, but they get very little use here in MD.

    LL Bean and Lands End also make great snow boots, as the PP wrote, and I think they are less $ than Sorels.


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