First there was a really awful story about how her dh left her & was going to file for divorce & legally relinquish his parental rights & she was drinking & wanted to die. ?Then the troll just made a couple of really obscene posts. ?Stupidfuck. ?FWIW, I did manage to report one of the posts before the troll dd it.?
I missed it, too. What is wrong with people??? Seriously, that is just sick - and identity theft is illegal!! I hope the Bump can do something about this troll. Sweater I am so sorry this happened to you.
Re: Just got here, what happened...
Porno type things, to put it nicely!
OMG, that is disgusting and ILLEGAL! People are going to jail for online identity theft/falsification.
I missed it too. That is terrible.
I am glad they deleted the posts right away.
I missed it too, but just reading the comments about the posts disgust me. What a sicko.