
Any legal nesties on?

DH has to go to court tomorrow for the fire department.  It is pretty common for the firefighters to have to testify about a call that they were on, but DH hasn't had to do it until now. 

If the subpoena says, "City of Oz vs. Joe Blow" does that mean the city is the one that is suing, or does it not matter which way it is written?  Probably a stupid question...but we don't typically deal with this kind of thing!

Re: Any legal nesties on?

  • The first party listed is the one bringing the case.
    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • ,the first named party is the one petitioning the court and your xmas pic is AWESOME!! I love how Nora is so freaking happy in EVERY picture! What a joyful little girl!
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  • Yes, the city is the one bringing the case.  My guess is it is probably a criminal case, since that is typically when the city brings the case.
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