
A brief poll re: labor

Did you feel nauseous at all before going into labor?  I have felt sick all morning and last night I woke up with some wicked-awesome heartburn. 

Just curious - obviously it could be a fluke.

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Re: A brief poll re: labor

  • I had to be induced, but I felt very sick to my stomach before they figured out I was actually dilating....?
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • nausea at all.  Hopefully you don't have a "bug".
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  • Nope- not with either of them.  Sorry!
  • While in the very beginning of labor I was very sick.  TMI, but I kept having to go to the bathroom.  No heartburn though, but my stomach was a mess.
  • No, I actually felt really good! The baby dropped down, I noticed that morning & it felt like she was going to just "fall right out!" If only it were that easy!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I was fine during the actual early/active labor on the day of my second daughter's birth.  But about 24 hours before that I had what I thought was a stomach bug.  I'm still not sure.  Wicked diarrhea, and I felt pretty nauseous but I took a zofran and didn't puke.  Felt very weak the next day and DD was born the day after that.  It most likely was a real bug though since my oldest had recently had one.
    Lindley 5/07 Maysie 9/08 imagepregnancy calendar
  • Nope.


    I did think my contrax were indigestion (until I realized they were coming and going every 3 minutes, LOL)?

  • I did with DD#1. I felt really indigested and blamed it on the dinner I had. But nope--labor! I was induced with #2 so nothing there.
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