Yes.. I know it's there.. I try very hard to keep my shirts non revealing in buyers meetings.. is it my fault your DH is looking at my "goods"???? Yeah you saw him looking too!
No I don't feel like explaining it to a group of snot nose boutique _bitches. It was symbolic and still is 11 years later. It is a very large FLAMMING Sacred heart and straightedege symbol..yes it spans the width of my chest and down the center of my chest..... No I don't want to go into further detail. You are not buying my boobs.. you are buying my clothing.. but thanks..
talk to you soon. buy handmade!
Re: Yes..Yes... I have a tittoo...
Holy Moley! I want to see this tittoo.
I'm currently planning the next installment of my tramp stamp turned huge back tattoo.
unfortunately mags... only the flames are viewable most of the time. It isn't like is a rose or something.. it is pretty huge and personal...this was also back in the day when I had nearly B's and no cleavage.. now I am almost a C and more cleavage!
tramp stamp..ha.