
Do they make long sleeve camisoles?

I wear tank tops under my shirts but I have a few sweaters that are a little itchy and the knit is thicker which means it's not tightly woven so I have to wear a jacket over it when I go outside.  Do they make long sleeved cami's that are really thin and would fit comfortably under a thick sweater? If so who makes these?
Liam is 5!
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Re: Do they make long sleeve camisoles?

  • you might look for a silk thermal/long john shirt.  I know they make those.  You might even be able to order one through Cabela's or LLBean
  • I think Targert has something like this in their underwear section and there is a "winter wear" area within the underwear section.  I swear I saw this last week- check it out.
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  • how about a tissue t? they sell them at jcrew.?
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • Walmart has a brand called Metro7 - they have a very thin longsleeved t-shirts that might do the trick. Similar to a tissue tee.

  • I picked up some great long sleeve shirts at Target.  They are paperthin (I think that is how they are labled) and go great under anything long sleeved.
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