Ours was just above $80 (that includes heat and electric-it's all one bill), but we only have 1350 sq ft and live in FL. So occassionally the heat is on at night on the nights it goes at or below freezing. Normally though I don't get cold enough to even turn it on.
We have propane right now, but have only used the wood stove bc of the furnance not working. Damn, $360?? Gosh, I do not want to start paying a gas bill in a month when we move!
Last month's was only $90 b/c it was in the 60's/70's here until a few weeks ago. I know it will be nearly $200 this month b/c the heater has been on. Oh, our gas and electric are on the same bill.
Our oil bill was $700 this month. But we pre-paid in August when oil prices were sky-high and we were scared they were going to go up even further come winter. Now we are kicking ourselves, hard.
We're in MN. We are on a plan that calculates our average bill and we pay that monthly. This year our bill is $142/ month. If we paid ad we used it, we'd have $45 bills in the summer and $400 bills in the winter. That would be hard to budget for and we like knowing exactly what we owe each month ahead of time.
$17. But I also live in sunny southern California! It finally rained yesterday, and got cold enough to turn on the heat. So I'm sure it will go up over the next few months unfortunately!!
Re: S/O How much was your last gas bill...
200. I hate bills.
We have oil both furnace and our 2 water heaters.
bills get into the $500 regularly for the next 3 months.
$200 a quarter. And we have gas hotwater as well. We only get billed quarterly.
?We're in Australia so it never gets below about 40 even in winter. In summer though it can over 100 for 2 months!
Our last bill was around $130 and I'm in St. Louis.
$17. But I also live in sunny southern California! It finally rained yesterday, and got cold enough to turn on the heat. So I'm sure it will go up over the next few months unfortunately!!