We're still REALLY struggling with the eating issues.
I just don't understand why this is happening NOW. He's been so great up until the last couple of weeks. He's 6 1/2 months old and all of a sudden just HATES the bottle.
I keep wondering if I did something to cause this. Maybe I pushed too hard for him to eat more? I don't know.
We had another screaming, refuses-to-latch-on issue today. After I had a nervous break down, I called our OT and the pedi.
The OT still hasn't called back but our pedi wants us to try solids. She does believe it's an oral aversion to the bottle and he may accept a spoon better. So we'll see.
I managed to finally get a little bit of food into him by using a playtex drop in and squeezing the bag as he'd sort of chew at the nipple.
I'm exhausted. This is all just so hard.
Oh.. and our pedi mentioned him getting a G tube. He HAD a G tube at one point that never got used and was removed 2 months ago.
He did NOT tolerate surgery well (took 3 days to wake up) and I feel like another abdominal surgery is only going to cause more pain and more problems. But obviously he needs nourishment.
Re: We could use some prayers
My heart goes out to you. Hopefully he'll take well to solids so you can get some rest.
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
It's on the early side for his adjusted age, but is he possibly teething? It's not unusal for babies to refuse to latch during teething. (Of course, I'm always hoping that problems are caused by something simple.)
I hope things resolve quickly for you.
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that this is still going on. I read your blog post over the weekend and I was so hopeful that Robbie had turned the corner.
Instead of a g tube, would your doctor be willing to try an ng or og tube, so you could just get a day or 2's worth of nurishment into him without surgery? Maybe the poor little guy just needs his belly to fill up so he can get back with the program.
thanks guys.
We have a regular pedi appt on Thursday and I'm going to tell them that if she really feels like we need some sort of g tube, I'd rather learn to put an NG in myself than put him through surgery again.
Smurf- that suggestion has come up several times and he HAS been REALLY "chewy" (his hands, my hands whatever) so it's possible. I don't SEE anything.. and he's not exceptionally drooly or anything.. but who knows.
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