So I have acid reflux and I haven't been taking my prescription for it. I was doing okay, but these last few weeks have been horrible. I've been eating Tums like they were candy. So I told my dr. and she put me back on Aciphex. I haven't filled the prescription yet, because it still worries me. It's a Category B drug for pregnancy, but if you read some of the articles online, it sounds like they don't really have sufficient studies on the drug. I just hate to take something, especially daily, that could harm my babies.
Has anyone else taken it? Maybe I'm just freaking out and I do know better than to look things up online, because I tend to freak myself out.
Re: Aciphex anyone?
i am a prevacid rep - prevacid is a PPI just like aciphex (same class of drugs). MANY pg women take prevacid. It's Cat B and also approved in children as young as 1 and given to infants by many docs, too.
I took it for a while when pg - was not worried one bit.
Cat B is the best there is for pg - there really is no A b/c that would require studies being done on pg women- and that is unethical.
You'll be fine- it's worse for you to have horrible reflux and get no sleep!
I took aciphex throughout my entire pregnancy. I tried stopping for a few days when I found out I was pg and the reflux was unbearable. My OB didn't seem concerned at all, so I took it without worrying about it. I say, go for it, and enjoy being reflux free!