Birth Stories

Dads in delivery room?

Hi all, I'm working on a story about funny things dads did in the delivery room. Did he say anything embarrassing? Do something ridiculous? If you have any funny or memorable stories of DH in the delivery room, please share below! We'd love to hear them.




Re: Dads in delivery room?

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    Nothing really funny. I wanted to punch him every time he told me to push harder, and again when he let his mom in my room with Mcdonalds. I ate 1 french fry (it smelled so irresistable and I hadn't eaten in about 19 hrs) and thougth I was going to throw up. There are many reasons he is an ex....!
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    After, when we were reveling at how strong I was, and what a good pusher I had been, DH told me, yea You had some pushes that weren't that great, but you pulled through in the end. . . Jerk! How would he know if they were good pushes or not?!?!
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    During L&D with our 1st DS the doctor began the episiotomy and DH looked down there, turned slightly ghostly white and then looked at me and said "there's a lot of blood". Not exactly the encouraging words that I needed!

    TTC #3 since 9/08, After M/C #3 - R/E appt 7/2011 dx: unexplained infertility BFP 10/25/12 Confirmed m/c at 5 weeks 5 days BFP 8/6/13, beta #1 - 212


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    He said something about how awesome it was when all the fluid came out as they cut into me which totally grossed me out! Then as soon as they pulled him out he said "he's got my ears!" and he repeated that a couple more times lol.?
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    My husband just annoyed me completely when I was in labor with our first - I was constantly yelling at him. I promised to be nicer the 2nd time around. When it came time to push, he started giving me a pep talk and it just annoyed me all over again but instead of yelling, I told him that his positive attitude was really he started to tell me how much I suck! He thought he was being funny by doing the opposite of positive - it almost got him kicked out of the delivery room!
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