
Question about Feeding

My boys were born at 35 weeks 1 day.  They are 2 weeks old today.  Did any of you have to feed them every three hours and set your alarm at night to wake them to eat.  If so for how long did you have to do that before you could just let them wake you up at night.

Re: Question about Feeding

  • i had 26 weekers, but we fed them every 3 hours till their due date, then gave them a 10 pm bottle and they woke up around 3 themselves...then at 6 weeks adjusted they were able to sleep from 10 pm till 6 am no problem.
  • You need to wake them until they are back up to their birth weight and are gaining  weight steadily. Once they are back to their birth weight you can let them sleep and eat when they ask you to feed them :-)
    "...they are the children God has graciously given your servant." Jackson and Eli image image Titus Ticker
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  • We did the every three hours and I would set my alarm to wake us up.  Ours were born at 36 w.  When we felt they were ready (2months), we started increasing their amounts of food at each feeding, switched to 4 hour intervals and 'topped them off' before we were ready for bed.  Our schedule goes 8am, noon, 4pm, 8pm, bed.  Then we wake them up at midnight to 'top them off' and they'll sleep through until 8am.  I say 'top them off' but they usually end up taking in a good amount of food (between 4 and 5 oz is good for them) and we try to dream feed them for that feeding but it doesn't always work :)
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