
delivery question, sort of

As of yesterday both of my girls are vertex, this usually doesnt last long or happen often. My doctor has told me before that if I want to try delivering vaginally if both girls are vertex I can. However, she said there is the possibility that after the first one comes the second baby can flip, and she refuses to deliver breech on first time moms. Anywho, I am terrified that if I try to deliver vaginally that second baby will flip and I will have to have both a vag. delivery and a c-section. Has this happened to anyone else? Should I be as worried as I am about baby b flipping after? I am going to talk to my doctor about this again at my appt on Wednesday and see what she thinks.
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Re: delivery question, sort of

  • I just wanted to tell you that I feel the EXACT same way about not wanting to deliver vag and then c-section. My doctor delivers all multiple pregnancies in the operating room so in case something like that happens. I just talked with him yesterday and he is more for a c-section because I guess when you deliver vag that sometimes the uterus can start contracting too tight before you deliver the second baby and he said it is another c-section if it endangers the baby. So he is giving me the option to just schedule one when it gets closer. I still have to think long and hard, but I just don't know what I am going to do.


    Melissa :)?

  • Hey! I have not been blessed with babies of my own yet, but I am a L&D nurse. I see both scenarios. I see people deliver both twins vaginally, its great when it happens. AND then we do see the vag/c-section thing, which I HATE esp if  you tore or needed stitchs from the vag birth, ugh what a recovery. I hate to enourage surgery for people who could very well deliver both vaginally, I would talk to my DR a bit more and see what they rec. I would perfer both c-section mayself, at least I would only have one area that was sore & healing, JMHO!
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  • My doctor told me if the second baby flipped they would reach in (ick!) and flip it back and guide it out.

    GOOD LUCK!  I can't believe it's finally time for us to have our babies.  The time has just flown for me.

  • My little boy who was baby A was head down and my little girl was not.  My ob gave me the option to deliver him and hope that she turns but she would not deliver a breech baby.  She was very honest with me and told me it was a possibility that I would have to do both types of deliveries, which was no ok with them. 

    I opted for the c-section bc I just couldn't imagine dealing with both types of recovery.


  • I had a c-section only. But what I can tell you is that after they took Baby A out (she was head down), that Baby B (who was breech) flipped to head down.
  • Both of my girls were heads down and I still chose a c-section over vag delivery. I was terrified of a double whammy. Also, my girls were small and their placentas bascially dead, so my MFM docs were worried about them surviving delivery. I LOVED my c-section and my recovery was a breeze.
  • Like Heather.D I had a c-section and after baby A was born baby B, who had been breech (and the reason for the c-section) flipped to head down.  But, thankfully, I was having the c-section and they could get baby B out quickly.  She was born not breathing and I don't know exactly why, but I hate to think what could have happened if they'd been delivered vaginally and baby B wasn't getting enough oxygen...

    I was also afraid of having one vaginally and one through a c-section.  My OB told me that was very rare and she'd never done it, but with my luck if I'd tried vaginally it would have happened to me.  But, that being said, if both babies had been vertex, I was all for attempting a vaginal birth.  I may be crazy, but I wanted to experience labor.  Due to pre-e, though, I had the c-section without ever experiencing labor.

  • This was my exact fear as well.  I had my first baby vag. delivery and the recovery was awful.  I would have hated having to recover from both.  As it turned out, the decision was made for me as I had an emergency c section before going into labor.  My Dr. said its pretty common though, for that to happen, so in the end, I probably would have opted for a Csection.  thats just me though.
  • Thanks for sharing your stories and opinions. I think I might just stick with the c-section, I am too scared of going through both types of delivery. I can save myself all the pushing and pain of squeezing two babies out. Thanks again.
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