
if you work ??s

This is probably better suttd for 9-5 but its a PITA to jump boards to Nest now

1.  Do you have a Christmas Party?

2.  Is it during work hours or after hours?

3.  Do you bring your kids?

4.  If its during work hours, do you have to take time off?


1.  We HAD a departmental Xmas party.

2.  Work hours

3.  No

4.  In the department, one supervisor (not mine) stated her staff would have to take time off, which is BS and includes the organizer of the party who has now quit and cancelled the party...such BS right?

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Re: if you work ??s

  • yes we have one.  after hours.  no kids allowed, it's a formal-ish dinner.  ours is tonight, I'm not going b/c nobody will babysit Bryan.
  • 1.  We used to, before the economy tanked.  This year we get nothing.

    2.  It was always during work hours.

    3.  No, it is for employees only.

    4.  No, we never had to use vacation time for it - that is stupid.


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  • yes

    after work

    no, employee and spouse/date


  • 1.? Do you have a Christmas Party?2.? Is it during work hours or after hours?3.? Do you bring your kids?4.? If its during work hours, do you have to take time off??Last two jobs:yes, started at 4 (so at the end of the work day, but during about an hour of work time, then after hours), no kids, didn't have to take time offcurrent job:IF we have one (didn't have one last year, did the 3 years before that), it was on a Saturday night, no kids?
  • Yes, it's tomorrow.

    It's outside of work hours.

    Usually we don't bring kids but boss said we could this year since not many people are going and it's in the late afternoon.  I don't think anyone is bringing kids though.

    That's pretty crappy to throw it during work hours and then be expected to take time off for it.  I wouldn't go for sure!

    Liam is 5!
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  • 1.  Do you have a Christmas Party? Yes

    2.  Is it during work hours or after hours? Yes. 1-5pm

    3.  Do you bring your kids? No. Employees only.

    4.  If its during work hours, do you have to take time off? Only if you don't go and don't stay at work.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • 1.  Do you have a Christmas Party?  We had our clinic office party Wednesday (casual), our hospital party is tonight (a formalish affair)

    2.  Is it during work hours or after hours?  Office party was during lunchtime

    3.  Do you bring your kids?  No and no

    4.  If its during work hours, do you have to take time off?  No

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