
PT help for a boy!

I know this is practically a dead horse, but I really need help. DS has been more interested in the potty, taking off his pants, etc. I have a week off at the beginning of January and I thought this would be the perfect time to attack it. What worked for you? Pullups? Just going straight to undies? Naked time? Separate potty chair? Toilet insert? Books? Stickers? Candy? TIA!

Re: PT help for a boy!

  • Alright - here is the long post about what we did?I'm a WOHM, so we started on a weekend. We kept him in real underwear all day (and had blankets all over the floor so it was less of a pain to clean up). We brought him potty every 20-30 minutes. When he went, we would jump up and down, get all excited, etc. Then he would get a sticker on his potty chart (which was just a piece of paper with "DS' Potty Chart" at the top, and then I wrote the day by the stickers) and an M&M (or piece of candy corn, or a smartie, etc.) when he went potty. Then when he got 10 stickers, he got a small toy (mostly hotwheels cars or sometimes a thomas train). We started on the potty chair, but daycare only uses the big potty so we went to that instead. We did buy a ring, but we ended up not using it because there isn't a ring when we're out and about (and we weren't carrying that with us). Also, when he sat on the ring, we sometimes couldn't tell if he went because we couldn't see it it wasn't foreceful enough to make noise. So he just sits back on the toilet and has his legs spread wide on either side so that the pee goes into the toilet and not all over the floor. We try to mostly use underwear at home, but for naps, nighttime, and daycare he uses pullups. We have mickey, thomas, superman, and sports underwear, and we let him pick what he wants and then say "don't get mickey wet!" It has worked great for us! The downside now is that he will wake up in the middle fo the night and yell "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!!" so we have to get up and bring him. I can't wait for him to sleep all night again. If you have any more questions, let me know!! HTH
  • Also - by the end of the first week back at daycare, he was hardly having any accidents in the pullups.  Now the only time he has an accident is when we forget to remind him to go.  He still doesn't really tell us when he has to go when he is playing, so we try to bring him every hour or so.
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