

Just seeing how you are holding up. It was a tough day for me today. I couldn't turn off the tears. Then coming home and seeing the H I was soo angry he is making me feel this way. I wanted to smash his X-Box he was playing. Just hang in there and I'm here is you want to vent.

Re: ********ravens_grl******************

  • It was a bad day for me to. H was a total jerk all day. I was supposed to go to see his family who has only seen DS once since coming home from the hospital. Well he told me I wasn't welcome there and a whole other load of BS. I called his aunt who is like his mom and she was shocked. He doesn't want us to go there because he doesn't want his family (more his great grandmother) how bad he has treated us. AHHHHHH JERK Anyways I know what you mean about wanting to smash his xbox...H plays a game on his PC called WoW. When I was home on bedrest thats all he did. He would get up in the morning early so he could play before work then play when he got home until he went to bed. I swear I am going to teach DS how to put peanut butter into his computer lol...heres to us hoping we have a better day!
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