Ok, so let me start by saying that I am lucky. Have a great DH, 2 healthy DDs (2 and 7 months) and we are fine financially.
BUT....I feel like I am constantly being kicked in the ass. My pg with DD #2 was horrible, sick all day all 9 months and on strict bed rest for the last 6 weeks. Rough labour- (she was face up) but healthy and on we went thinking tough days are behind us.
Well BFing was brutal, but I pushed through for 9 weeks until I developed raging mastitis was in the ER at 3 am and put on antibiotics. Ok, so after a week that cleared up. However, in the past 6 months I have had 3 UTI's and 3 yeast infections. (every time we have sex--yes we have only had it 6 times in 6 months- I get an infection. The latest is 3 weeks ago I go to the dr. in crazy pain and wait...I have Pelvic inflammatory disease. 85% of the time caused by an STD (not us and the swabs came back clean), but how random that I would be the other 15%) Oh, and the antibiotics for that gave me another yeast infection.
Ok so Fast forward to Tuesday when I decided to get a babysitter for my 2 year old because I am about to break down and decide a morning with my 7 month old alone is a good idea. The forty year old family friend "responsible" babysitter let my 2 year old on her trike in the basement with out a helmet and she fell off onto concrete--goose egg, droopy eye. The next day (yesterday) she has a fever of 104 so we take her to ER but looks like nothing to do with her head, just a virus... she is a mess and today has a fever of 102.
Oh, on top of all this my 7 month old is starting to cough and DH is heading to LA for work all next week.
Ahhh....if you read all this, thank you for listening. If you have any advice for me please share it.
Re: I'm a lurker but need to VENT...any advice???
No real advice, but just wanted to let you know that we're here for you anytime you need to vent.
I am sorry that you are going through a hard time and I am not trying to be insensitive but what you posted does not constitute "constantly being kicked in the ass" in my book. Pregnancy is tough, breastfeeding is even tougher in my opinion, kids fall off their bikes and catch colds. Please take the time, especially around the holidays and focus on the positive, life has ups and downs. Whenever I am feeling negative I think of all I have, all the love, and consider all those out there who have not and it helps put things in perspective.
wow...kissing. sorry if I offended you.
I just feel like I have been put through the wringer lately. I know pg and bf are hard, but I don't think throwing up 7 times a day for 9 months, getting mastitis, PID and all the other vag problems is normal.
I know that I am lucky as I stated at the beginning, and I am grateful for what I have, but damn, I am feeling burnt out from it all.
:-( Sorry that you are having a rough go of it. I was sick all day for the first 14 weeks of this pg and thought that was horrible...nine months of it and I dont know how I'd feel.
Hang in there!
1. welcome
2. girl you need a DRIIIIIIIIINK!!
3. seriously, that is a lot of crap to deal with- of course you need to vent.
4. It will get better, but it sounds like you need to regulate your vag first...hmmmm.
5. you have had more sex than I have in the last 6 months, so maybe that will be of consolation?
sorry!! hang in there! you can do it!
sorry you're dealing with all of this. Are the dr's relating your uti's and yeast inf. to sex or is it coincidence?
My friend used to get uti's after sex but she never went to the bathroom after. Then she started to pee and clean up after then she didn't get uti's anymore.
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sorry you're dealing with all of this. Are the dr's relating your uti's and yeast inf. to sex or is it coincidence?
The Dr.'s don't know. I do all the right things....pee, clean up, use a condom etc. It seems like the friction or something is causing a reaction....very frustrating.
I am so sorry, I know when shit hits the fan it really hits hard. Hang in there. Hugs!