
Teenage pregnancy isn't really funny

It surprises me that so many are finding it c&p's from pregnant mothers funny.  The posts are obviously from women that have had to deal with bigger struggles then most of us have.  They are teenagers and that is why they write differently or use different terms.  I guess I don't understand why its funny.  I don't tend to laugh at people who are struggling.  

Re: Teenage pregnancy isn't really funny

  • its kinda funny because most of these teenage mothers think this is just some kind of game.  they are in for a rude awakening and that part is so not funny because it the babies then end up suffering the most.
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • I don't think any of us are really laughing at them or their situation.  It's just amazing the way they think and I think some of us were shocked that one particular's girls mother was excited to be a grandmother. 
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  • I think most of us are laughing at the way the type/talk... and their lack of common sense--- not their situation.
  • They don't give the perception that they are struggling.  They act like they are getting a new doll.  It actually makes me scared for those babies.

     I can also assure you i will NOT be excited if my dd comes home at 14 and announces that she is pregnant, and will wait until she starts to show to tell her father!

  • Teenage pregnancy is sad.  The word Neways is funny.  I'd make fun of you if you said it. 

    These girls are struggling because they made bad decisions.  I hope they have the support they need to help them raise these kids.  As bad as I feel for a pregnant teen, I feel a thousand times worse for the baby.  I am an adult and I think being a mom is difficult with my husband and financial security...they need to realize that it is not a game.

  • No, teen pregnancy is NOT funny...but stupid people are always funny, pregnant or not!
  • imageamygdala:
    No, teen pregnancy is NOT funny...but stupid people are always funny, pregnant or not!

    I don't know if I agree.  I also the casual attitude that some of these girls are taking is also sad.  Either sad for the child who is not being given what it deserves or sad for the family who is in for such an awakening. 

  • imageamygdala:
    No, teen pregnancy is NOT funny...but stupid people are always funny, pregnant or not!

     I'm with her...

  • Here's the thing, though, about the Baby Gaga Teen Board-most of the girls on there are trying to get pregnant! There are quite a few posts over there from girls wanting info on TTC. I think it's incredible! I posted the original link- not that it matters because it's been posted on here a million times before. FWIW, two of my sisters got pregnant as teenagers. I'm well versed in teen pregnancy.
  • I guess I could have already mentioned, my sister, too got pregnant as a teen.  With twins.  My parents were not happy!  Abortion was not an option.  At first, she was going to put them up for adoption, but when she was told they may be separated, she changed her mind.  They were 12 this past summer and she is a wonderful mother.  She had great family supports, even though my parents weren't happy.  They love those boys more than you could probably know.  She met a wonderful man who adopted them, and they now have two other children.  She went on to school, has a M.Ed. in school psychology and is a SAHM.  She def. isn't the stereotypical teen mom.  She'll tell you it was hard, and she sacrificed a lot b/c of her decision.  She had a lot of problems as a teen, and was very careless and reckless.  Their bio father was 23 and my parents chose not to press charges against him.  I should send her over to that board.
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