
Would you support your child?

If they killed your grandchild?

I don't know.  I truly don't know if I could.  I know that right now I love him so much and can't imagine he'd ever harm anyone that way, but I would have so many mixed emotions if my child every did that.

Liam is 5!
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Re: Would you support your child?

  • No, I don't think so. I would still love him, but I don't think we would have contact anymore.
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    No, I don't think so. I would still love him, but I don't think we would have contact anymore.


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  • I don't think I could.  As much as I love him, I just couldn't look him in the eye if he did that.  Uck, let's talk about something else now.
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  • Yes. I certainly would not condone it of course, or lie or cover up what my child did, but I would be there for him no matter what he did. As I've said before, I think anyone who could kill their own child is sick and needs help as well as punishment.
  • I don't know if I could.  But I would hope that if something was going on with one of my girls that would push them to do it that we would help them before it got to that point.
  • No, I don't think so.  Especially to the point where I would be lying for her, like Casey Anthony's parents did by changing their stories.
  • I honestly don't know.  I have no answer.  I hope I never, ever even have to consider that a possibility.

    I don't think that's something one can answer truthfully without going through that.  You say one thing on this side, but I cannot imagine the roller coaster of emotions that person would be enduring, or the hell they would be living.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

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  • I really think that's one of those things that you couldn't honestly answer unless it happened.  Caylee's mom might have said the same thing 20 years ago.

    To answer...I have no idea.  It's awful.  I don't know about "support".  I don't know if I would ever believe she did it.

  • Depends on what you mean by support, I guess.  I would encourage him/her to get the help they obviously need while in prison or a mental health facility.  I would pray for them.

    BUT I wouldn't just carry on in blind denial that my child could do anything wrong, when obviously they did.

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