Can someone answer me this?
We KNOW Nora would not go for sitting on Santa's lap, so when we go to the mall we point out Santa and she looks at him and smiles and we ask if she wants to go up and see him and she says no, so we don't.
MIL told me "Well that's not very fun."
Really? So it's more "fun" to see them screeching and crying in fright?? Now obviously if you think your kid would LIKE sitting on Santa's lap and it goes to hell, that's another thing. But I just don't see the point of forcing a kid to do something like that when you know it's going to terrify them.

Nora Judith 7/2/06
Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Re: Why take DC to see Santa if you KNOW they're going to cry/freak out??
Yeah, I think its funny to capture the pic
In my defense, I didn't know she'd freak but when she did, I had to take a pic. I probably won't this year if she doesn't want to.
Such a great photo op opportunity.
And Xbg, how hot do you look in that picture!
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
you do know that hooker is not me...right?
lol thats some "elf" they had at our company xmas thingy.
DD's first year she toddled right up to him. The second year she only wanted to watch from a distance. This year she ran right up to him and screamed "Merry Christmas!"
I will always respect her wishes on the "sitting on Santa's lap" issue. I think it sucks to force your kid to be on Santa's lap just for the "yearly picture."
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
We didn't take A this year either. We will when he wants too, but not worth it until then.
Now I feel stupid.
But you are a hawtie.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
and that's why Mitch is not in Santa pictures this year. I refuse to cause my children's terror and fear..
x--the look on Santa's face is PRICELESS..and you look so hot!
lol I didn't know if you were serious since I posted my pic a million times, I guess you were!
I haven't had hair that short since my brother and I got "twin cuts" when we were like 8. And no, we aren't twins.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
lol I think he's the poor cafeteria guy that got chosen the task of Santa.
lol at elf whore!
we might try again this year. We took DD her first Christmas and we waited in line for 2.5 hours for the opportunity. DD was an absolute ANGEL in line - charming everyone around us, making friends left and right. She is a cheerful, sweet, happy, social little girl.
Put her on Santa's lap, her face turned red and she started screaming AND bawling all at once. I couldn't even buy the pitures, that is how horrific it was - it was just absolute terror on her face. Red in the face, tears streaming down her cheeks. I felt like a really bad mommy -for about an hour.
You really just never know what kids are going to do...we were so sure, if anything, DD would turn around and start messing with his beard and smiling like she usually does with strangers. She shocked the heck out of everyone with her reaction, and we haven't tried again.
This whole thread has made me lmao. Especially elf whore.
I totally agree - that's why we're not even going to try this year. DD freaked out at the characters in FL and tried to leave the PLANET when shrek got too close to her. She's not sticking around for Santa.
MIL called and asked when we were going to take her to see Santa and asked if I was showing DD pictures of Santa and asking her what she wants. DUDE! I am not showing her pictures of Santa.