Oh no, I just got home early from work and haven't seen any news. Now, I'm thinking I don't want to. That woman makes me sick-I do not know how anyone could hurt a child period, especially their own child. She is certainly not an alright person.
I think she is a sociopath- she doesn't feel any kind of guilt at all..I mean, what else could explain her? she is a monster. I seriously hope that terrible things are coming her way, because it is just SICK the way she has gone on trying to live her life.
I know, I can't wrap my head around it. I just can't understand. It makes me sick. I can't even think of anything bad enough that they could do to her that would make up for this, even death.
they wont give her the death pentaly....I dont know of any mothers who killed their child(ren) and got the death penalty...if there is one someone let me know so I have hope they give her the death penalty
Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06
If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant
My favorite verse!
obviously she is a very demented person. I think the whole family has screws loose, though.
There is a special place in hell reserved for people like her and susan smith.
Crazy TX chick who drowned her kids? I see her case as a diferent story...and I actually feel a bit bad for HER because I think she really WAS out of her mind and not a sociopath.
If the media would even give 1/10 of the time they give to the case to talk about MENTAL ILLNESS it would really help prevent a lot of criminal activity from moms who are struggling with issues and need to seek *HELP* not go down a path of murder.
It does nobody any good to go on and on about Caylee's mom and that drama without some psychoeducation so we all better understand HOW it is possible, what are the warning signs to have prevented this, and how was her mom raised to be capable of this act.
But that's right - journalism is about the "sexy story" to sell ad space to get revenue. Sigh.
I know, Kris. They somehow get a "poor mommy was exhausted and depressed, let's have sympathy for her" kind of thing. I can't feel sorry for someone that killed their child. I understand snapping. Not to the point of killing, but I guess it can happen. But then to hide it, cover it up, lie about it, etc...it's just sick.
I haven't read anything yet today, but obviously the woman has no soul. Which means no one should feel bad for giving her the death penelty.
Sadly, the DA has already said they will not be seeking the death penalty. I hope she gets put in general population so those inmates can give her hell for the rest of her pathetic life.
On a side note...I'm hoping that it is Caylee's body that they found because they WILL be able to find proof that her mother killed her if it is. It's so obvious that she did, but it'll be a plus to have "proof".
I agree that the death penalty woudl be too good for her- I would contribute $$ to keep her alive in prison so that she can be tortured for a long long time- obviously knowing that she covered up the death of her daughter- after murdering her! is not enough torture for her...she needs to suffer, and I can not wait to hear about it.
I believe that anyone who could kill their own child is mentally ill. There is no way a sane, rational person could do that and continue to lie about it. I feel so sorry for the whole family. Just like Susan Smith, sooner or later the mother is going to realize exactly what she did. I couldn't imagine living after that.
This woman is truly a sociopath. And yeah, I think the death penalty is too good for her. Let her rot. Even better, she should go in the general prison population. She won't last a year after what she did to that poor baby.
Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams
i really hope that is caylee that they found also! but i can see casey saying that the nanny must have killed her. i don't see casey ever telling the truth of what happened....so sad!
and this comes one day after her parents were on Larry King last night. They actually had me feeling sorry for them thinking maybe, just maybe, she was still alive. I'm such a dumb sucker.
Re: I don't get how you can kill your own child
Oh no, I just got home early from work and haven't seen any news. Now, I'm thinking I don't want to. That woman makes me sick-I do not know how anyone could hurt a child period, especially their own child. She is certainly not an alright person.
obviously she is a very demented person. I think the whole family has screws loose, though.
There is a special place in hell reserved for people like her and susan smith.
Crazy TX chick who drowned her kids? I see her case as a diferent story...and I actually feel a bit bad for HER because I think she really WAS out of her mind and not a sociopath.
If the media would even give 1/10 of the time they give to the case to talk about MENTAL ILLNESS it would really help prevent a lot of criminal activity from moms who are struggling with issues and need to seek *HELP* not go down a path of murder.
It does nobody any good to go on and on about Caylee's mom and that drama without some psychoeducation so we all better understand HOW it is possible, what are the warning signs to have prevented this, and how was her mom raised to be capable of this act.
But that's right - journalism is about the "sexy story" to sell ad space to get revenue. Sigh.
Sadly, the DA has already said they will not be seeking the death penalty. I hope she gets put in general population so those inmates can give her hell for the rest of her pathetic life.
On a side note...I'm hoping that it is Caylee's body that they found because they WILL be able to find proof that her mother killed her if it is. It's so obvious that she did, but it'll be a plus to have "proof".
It's awful and she's an awful person.
I don't know who people do it either.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.