
F/U from last night- back from pedi

Noah has RSV.  Of course he does.  Croup was not enough for my little guy that he now needs a virus to attack his respiratory system.  I swear, we are jinxed.

Oh, and his birthday party is the weekend.  Who knows if that will even happen now.

Re: F/U from last night- back from pedi

  • Oh no!! 

    Did they give you a nebulizer?

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • oh, poor guy...that sucks!  Did they give him a nebulizer?
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
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  • Awe, I am so sorry!  (((HUGS)))

    That's so stressful, esp. with the upcoming party.  Would you feel better just cancelling it/rescheduling it now so it's one less thing to worry about right now?

  • Yes, he is on a neb.  They gave him a treatment there and his oxygen levels did go up, so he is responding to it.

    If we cancel the party, we are just out the $ we paid.  There is really no time to reschedule with the holidays.   MH and I talked about it and one of us will go, so the other kids can still play (indoor bounce house place.)  We've paid for it, so someone might as well enjoy it, rather than canceling all together.

  • I am so sorry :((((
  • Aw, poor guy.  Hopefully he will respond to the nebulizer quickly.

    Can you reschedule for next weeekend?

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh my goodness.  Poor Noah.  Hopefully, he will be feeling better very soon!
  • Just an FYI, the nebs may make him crazy hyper. 

    I hope he feels better soon.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • He has done nebs before.  He actually crashed in the car. 

    Not sure if the place has any availabilty for next weekend, nor would our guests even be able to  come.  It is the 20th and 21 of Dec.  Crazy busy time of year.   At least Noah is little and wouldn't really know the difference.  We have told him it is almost his birthday, but I don't think he understands what having a party for him means.

  • I'm sorry he's sick, I hope he gets well soon.  It's too bad about the party, it sucks when things work out like that!
  • Awe!!!! Poor Noah!!! I hope he gets over it quickly!
  • imageBrewster:

    Yes, he is on a neb.  They gave him a treatment there and his oxygen levels did go up, so he is responding to it.

    If we cancel the party, we are just out the $ we paid.  There is really no time to reschedule with the holidays.   MH and I talked about it and one of us will go, so the other kids can still play (indoor bounce house place.)  We've paid for it, so someone might as well enjoy it, rather than canceling all together.

    That would be a good idea.. DD will still have fun, and whoever goes can bring the gifts back to noah.. :)

  • Aww, that sucks.  The only "good" thing about having a sick toddler is that they actually stop running around long enough for some cuddle time, so I try to soak that up as much as possible.  Hope he gets better in time for his party!
  • good for you for knowing something more was wrong! I am so so sorry!! Poor little guy!

    I hope he gets better fast- he will, cause he has such a careful mom!

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