during work hours, would you bake something for it or make him do it?
I am not invited. Its just a small thing but everyone is encouraged to bring something. Last night he asked ME to make something for it. I told him he could do it. LOL He said he will but needs a suggestion or recipe. I'm having a hard time coming up with an idea because it can't be something that has to be refridgorated or served hot.
Re: If your DHs work was having a pot luck...
I always make DH's food for his work pot lucks and such. Then again, DH doesn't cook or bake at all if he can help it. I have to plan all meals (including breakfast and lunch) ahead of time if I'm going to be working.
No ideas on what to bring. Maybe a cheeseball and crackers brought in a cooler to keep it cool until lunch? I do cheeseballs for everything. Quick and easy and everyone always raves about them. Other things DH has brough it have been cookies/brownies, kielbasa, not sure what else. Good luck!
I always bake something for him to take or make a dip. I love to bake though. If I were to make him make it himself I'd get frustrated with his million questions on how to do it so I prefer to just do it myself. But like I said, I enjoy it.
Christmas 2011
With those restrictions I would tell him to just order a few pizzas and make that his contribution. Or he could get a sandwich tray from a local deli.
So really I wouldn't make anything, I'd have him buy something, lol.
I usually make it because i enjoy cooking.
I would do a cold dip or something like that. Just bring the dip in a cooler. Does he have an ice machine at work? We have a water and ice machine in our building, so whenver somehting needs to stay cold, we fill a bowl with ice and put it on that.