Sorry, but do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
I noticed that you were in a similar boat to me, ~ 2yo and then an early m/c.
How long did you bleed for with your m/c?
How long did you have to wait before TTC again?
How long did it take you to conceive the second time?
Did your dr say that you were at any increased risk?
Did they follow you more closely with this pg, after your m/c?
Thanks. I am so sorry for your loss and congratulations on your baby (girl?)
Re: ~iLoVeHiM~
Hi there! No problem with the questions, anything I can do to help someone that has been there b/c I know exactly what you are going through!
I bled for a total of 10 days from first to very last day. I had a natural mc though.
My Dr said to wait for one period and that I could begin trying after that.
I got pregnant on the first try after m/c. The pg that I miscarried was also the first try. Pretty lucky seeing as how it took nearly a year to conceive my son!
My Dr said that I was not at any increased risk for more miscarriages.
I have a great Dr who has monitored this pg more closely. I have had an u/s at every single appt and hcg levels were monitored early on. Also they checked prog after a heartbeat was detected (the pg I m/c I had very low prog but the dr did not believe that was the cause of my m/c but more of an indicator that it wasn't a viable pregnancy). My prog was considered to be normal but he supplemented with prometrium as a precaution as prog as to be high enough to support a pregnacny. While my dr does not beleive low prog caused my m/c some women do have a hormonal problem and can loose what would have been a healthy baby b/c of low prog. So I have been on supplements since 6 w and will stop in 2 days when the placenta has taken over full production of hormones at this point.
Good luck with everything and I hope that I have helped you. I'm sooo sorry for your loss and I'm sending big (((Hugs))) your way.