
MoM's to be Check In

Mon: What winter religious holiday do you celebrate?

Tues: Where do you do most of your ?bumping' from home or work?

Wed: Do you decorate the outside of your house for the holidays? Is it subtle or Grizwaldesq?

Thurs: What has been the hardest part of your pregnancy so far?

Fri: Did you read Dr. Luke's book and are you following the diet?


If you would like to be added please post your: screen name,

name IRL due date,

type/gender of multiples

blog (if you have one)

and don't forget to answer the questions :o) The list will be updated on Mondays.

Re: MoM's to be Check In

  • ?What has been the hardest part of your pregnancy so far?

    The hardest part has been the spotting/bleeding episodes and them not being able to tell me why. I think I may have an answer and will be discussing it with my OB tomorrow.

    And one more thing...... it sucks to have to wait 9 months to see your babies! But I would rather them be healthy and stay in there the whole time.

    Melissa :)?

  • Since I'll be gone tomorrow I'm going to answer both.

    Thursday: Silly as it sounds, the acne.  It pulls on my skin and my face hurts literally all the time.  I've been pretty fortunate in my pregnancy so far.

    Friday: I did read it and I am not following it.  I've tried to change/increase some things based on what she said but it was just WAY too much food!

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  • Definitely the 24/7 nausea that refuses to go away. Oh and the less frequent, but searing headaches aren't very nice either. Apart from that, it's been great.
  • I'd have to say that my belly browth spurt around 25-26 weeks was the hardest-it was tough getting used to the change in size.  Also I was found to be anemic around that time so I generally just felt like crap.  But even though I am bigger now, I am more used to it all.

  • The hardest part is not being able to do everything for myself. I am incredibly self-sufficient and hate to ask for help for anything. And now it's just so hard to even pick up my 2YO to put him in the car seat or into his crib. Ugh.
  • Hardest part for me is sleeping on my side.  I am a stomach sleeper and right now it is painful for me to sleep on my sides and impossible to sleep on my back because someone is laying on my diaphragm.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Aubrey & Anthony
  • Knock on wood, but so far, I've had an extremely easy pregnancy. The hardest part has been getting used to sleeping on my side (I'm a stomach sleeper). Luckily, I was able to sleep on my stomach until about 26-27 weeks though.
  • QOTD: Sadly, the entire thing!  The only thing (and the most important thing!) going right is that the babies are growing and developing well.  Outside of that I've had everything in the book: nausea, fatigue, severe anemia, joint problems, cardiac problems, can't find clothes and the list goes on and on...  That said, I wouldn't trade it! :)

    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Thurs: What has been the hardest part of your pregnancy so far?

    nausea, backpain, and weight gain.

  • The hardest part of my pregnancy was how it limited me from doing things with my toddler daughter. She didn't quite understand why mommy couldn't play like she used to before.
  • the hardest part so far is dealing with the heart burn. Everyday without fail right before I go to bed it starts and then I have to fall asleep sitting up. Other than that I have had the usual aches and pain associated with being pg and it hasn't been that bad.
  • I'd have to say this week has been the hardest: I'd been gradually slowing down for months, but now I can't do anything without triggering contractions and this morning I almost blacked out while sitting down. DH and I put me on modified bed rest; curious to see what my OB says about all this when I see him tomorrow morning.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • For me, the hardest part is trying to "take it easy" while chasing after my toddler son.  He doesnt' understand why mommy can't get down on the floor and roll around with him anymore.

    Also, the round ligament pain is killer!  I have a hard time sleeping most nights and am now on the recliner full time at night.

    I still have three months to I'm sure it's only going to get worse.

  • The nasea and the painful acne has been the worst..

  • (Knocking on wood) I have had a really easy pregnancy so far, the hardest part has been adjusting to the weight gain and not fitting into my normal clothes. 

  • Difficulty breathing. I am so uncomfortable.
  • The worst for me was the itching. I itched so bad I couldn't sleep. I would scratch at my hands and feet until they would bleed and I couldn't stop. It had something to do with my biliruben levels? I was put on a anti itch pill that had a little bit of sleeping pill in it so i could sleep. My DH would wake up to me scratching in the middle of the night because it was so loud. It went away the second I delivered. But It was seriously SO bad!
  • The hardest part was the nausea. ?That being said, it's pretty much over.

    The hardest thing I'm currently dealing with is how uncomfortable I am already- sitting, standing, sleeping- I'm NEVER comfortable.

    Beyond things that are physically difficult, I'm really struggling with the reality that I am bringing home 2 babies, and despite how thrilled I am, I'm also terrified that I'm not going to know what to do with them! ?And financially I'm stressing out BIG time. ?That's a whole different post, I guess. ;)?

  • The pain in my pelvic bone that makes me want to cry getting in bed, rolling over or getting in the car
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