This baby could come any day and I am not feeling prepped at all. Not that I'm not ready to have 2, but like things at my house have to happen that haven't. We are moving DS to another room, but we had to wait for new doors to be installed (exterior doors to a porch). That was done yesterday, so now I guess we can move him in there to make room in his old room for the new baby. But his crib needs to be taken apart to move to the new room and then reassembled, then the new crib needs to be put up...etc etc.
I guess I'm just nervous this will happen and nothing will be done. Slap some sense into me!
Re: I am feeling so totally unprepared...
It will all get done! And even if it doesn't, you still have plenty of time. The new baby wont know the difference between a crib in it's own room vs. a swing in your room.
Like the pp said, enjoy this remaining "quiet" time with your DS and DH since things will be a little busier when the new baby arrives!