
Wii Fit...Yay or Nay?

Im trying to decide if I want it or not.  If I do get one it will be something I save up and buy.  I dont want to save up for it and be disapointed with it. 

So, do you like yours?  What games or activities are there?

Re: Wii Fit...Yay or Nay?

  • YES YES YES soo much fun even dd plays it
  • It is fun, but I don't use it as much as I thought I would. ?I just don't have time, really.?

    But it is neat. ?I want to use it more... ?

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  • I agree with Ellemoney.  We love it but just don't have a lot of time to devote to it.  We do love to play it but it is hard to find the time.  DD loves to play too and mh even made her, her own Wii fit to stand on and a remote out of foam board and stickers that she shakes it like she is playing when we are.  We had to video her because it is wayyy too cute!

  • It's ok.  It's nice to be able to track your weight loss.  The games on there are hula hoops, tennis, yoga, running, stepping, heading soccer balls, bowling, practicing balance.........

    On the other hand, Mario Kart is awesome!!!!!

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  • I won't make my official person until after I have DS.  It is too depressing to see my weight go up.  I tried the skiing when it was set-up for DH.
  • YAY YAY YAY!  Definitely get it.  It is fantastic/fun/great motivator. 
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