My son uses a paci for naps and bedtime only. He now chews holes in them. So I decided no more paci's (he goes through 1 every 2 days on average).
He will not nap without it, 3 days now. He isn't upset, he just doesn't fall asleep. Then he is so tired that he goes to bed at 6:30 fine without it.
So do I cave in, buy stock in Avent, and give him pacis?
Do I try giving him a paci at nap time only?(afraid he will get confused)
Or do I just leave it and hope he eventually naps again?
Re: XP - Advice Needed - Re. paci's
I'd just leave it and give him a few more days. I'm sure he'll sleep as normal soon.
This is the transition I'm dreading making, as my 2 year old is addicted to her binky.
I tried taking Nora's away. Oh was horrible.