
done with the indiv interview

I had my indiv interview today.  Colin (my son) had his as well.

It went fine.  i think it helps that our worker is about my age (a little younger) and super nice.  I think it would be a lot harder if it was some old guy just drilling me with questions.

A lot of what we talked about was stuff on the questionaire that we submitted last week.  Which I answered honestly so there were some things that needed discusion.  Nothing major - but things like how strict my dad was, and old very emotionally abusive boyfriend, a cousin who had domestic violence issue, stuff like that.

Like I said, I was honest on the questionaire, so I had no problem talking about stuff.

My three m/c did come up - they just wanted to make sure that we are not using adoption as a replacement for that.  And, that it is not something that we had not coped with.  I guess if I broke down crying over it, they would suggest conseling or something.

Colin's was fine - super quick.  She asked things about what he likes to do, how he would feel if someone went into his room, does he like you play with younger kids, how he is punished, how our relationship is, etc.

Oh - and most of our paperwork is coming in yay!

So, one more thing off the list!

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