My mom is the next best thing to useless. <sigh> She's been letting DS do pretty much whatever he wanted, which meant bigass tantrums when mama said no.
She was an hour late picking me up at the hospital, parked in the garage instead of the spot right outside the door (where we told her to park, three times), couldn't figure out the release for the infant seat (which we also showed her), came HOME for my SSN instead of having the pharmacist pick up the damned phone and ask me, blah blah blah blah.
Damn, did I need that Percoset once I got back here.
Re: Whew. First day home was exhausting.
I was just thinking about you.
At least you're home though, right??
How are baby and big brother doing??
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Bubbly, the problem is that I am NOT home. I am at my mother's house, which is still a fing disaster area. She's not finished unpacking from the move on Octobr 3rd. DH and I are sharing a room with the baby with no option of putting her anywhere else if we wanted to.
And mh somehow thought he was going to get a full night of sleep on the first night with a newborn in the house. He huffed and puffed his way to the couch at 11 last night.
I liked the hospital better. It was a vaction compared to coming back here.
Matthew is pretty good about the baby, though. He keeps peeking at her and laughing. LOL
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
We can't go to our house because DH has to work this week, and our place is a 2.5 hour commute from Washington DC. Each way.
The place has been for sale since Oct 15 2007, and still hasn't sold. So we are stuck at my mom's during the work week.
The baby actually sleeps really well... she slept from 12-3 last night, was up for half an hour, and slept from 3:30-6:30. I though it was awesome.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Congrats on your DD! What a first day at home. I know with my DD I wished I could've stayed at the hospital forever! LOL I hope things get a bit smoother for you - but at least she is sleeping good and her big brother seems to be happy.