
Has anyone given the Elmo Live Doll to there DC yet?

How did they react? Just curious. Preston was given this as a gift for his 2 year birthday (from friends of ours). He was not impressed and it just sits up in his room. He NEVER plays with it. I know a lot of you on here were going to get it for your DC. I was just wondering if they actually play with the doll or ignore it like he does.

Re: Has anyone given the Elmo Live Doll to there DC yet?

  • My DS got it a few weeks ago when MIL was here for Thanksgiving...he plays with it some.  Mostly though, he'll kiss and hug him for a few minutes, then leave him laying on the ground saying "Will you help Elmo up, please?"  over and over and over.  Poor Elmo.
    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • It scares theshit out of Alec. I don't think we'll be buying one. Surprise
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  • Yes, she does play with it. But honestly, she plays with all of her toys.  She likes when he sits on the stool, or his 'potty' as she calls it. She yells at him to "Sit! Sit! Potty!" she doens't get that she has to push his belly for him to do so :)
    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • We haven't given DS his, but he has Tickle Me Elmo and LOVES him, so I am sure that he will like this one too.
  • I've talked about this a couple of times here before. My Mom bought Elmo Live for DD a few months ago. We gave it to her (was not a holiday present) and she hated it. She wouldn't have anything to do with it. It's not a cuddly type toy.. but heavy and awkward.

    Rather than keep it, I had my Mom return it and get her money back. I'm not so sure it's the "it" gift many people claimed it was going to be.

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