Special Needs

My son had his surgery and I'm now scared of the tubes

He finally had is surgery. He had his catherder put in for the dialysis. The feeding tube, and his hernia fixed. My poor baby boy had 2 surgerys done at one time and is now recovering. It was a 2 hour surgery for everything. He's doing good, but now I'n so scared of the two tubes sticking out of his little tummy. They look soo big!! I guess they may seem big because he is still so little. He's 5 lbs now. I was so sad to see my hubby (he's leaving me now) look at him in shock and discust. It broke my heart. But I'm holding up because my son is my #1 priority now and he needs me more than ever since his daddy his leaving us.

Re: My son had his surgery and I'm now scared of the tubes

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    I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all of this.  I hope your husband doesn't leave your son.  It is sad that he wants a divorce and I am very sorry to hear that, BUT I really hope he will still see his son. 

    Good luck to you and your baby!

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    You are being a great Mom!  When I got Taylor's stroke diagnosis it felt like I was not going to be able to take another breath.  I had no idea what to do.  I told that to my mom and she told me that I was going to go in there to my baby and be his mama.  That is the most important thing now, to just be with your baby.  I'm sure the tubes are very imtimidating but you will get used to them.  The nurses are there so just ask them if you have any questions!

    I will keep you and your family in my prayers! 

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    There is a page for you a few post down from the nestie who is going thru a very similar situation - just want to be sure that you saw it. 


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    It is very hard seeing all of those tubes and wires but you will eventually get use to it. 

    If your H really looked at him with disgust I think I would refuse to let him see him anymore because Cody certainly doens't need that negative energy around him.  I wish you lived close so I could sucker punch your H.  Tell him good-bye you don't need him you have Cody now and don't the door hit him in his cocky ass. 

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    Thank you everyone. It does help to hear all your feed back and to get your support.
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    Cody is very lucky to have a Mommy like you!  I'm sad for you that your husband is leaving you both.  I don't know your situation, but wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.  Maybe your DH will come around. 
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    I don't know your situation at all but want to tell you to keep up the good work. You are taking care of your son and that is what you need to do right now. It is devistating to see the tubes in your baby, I know! He feels your warmth, he knows your comfort. You and him are all that matter right now.

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