
YES! Photographer finally emailed me

She said she was almost done editing our pictures and would have them to me soon!  I can't wait!  I've been dying to get out Christmas card done.

So is everyone just doing the kids on the Christmas photo or are you doing a family shot?

Liam is 5!
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Re: YES! Photographer finally emailed me

  • no pictures of me until I lose this weight.  My goal is to look better by next Christmas to do a family one.
  • We just did DD this year.  I wanted a family one but DH didn't want to deal with it.  It is difficult enough just to get a decent shot of DD.  Hopefully, next year.
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  • i did the girls on the front, and the family (and cat) on the back.
    Laura, mommy to Emma & Izabel

    (5 year old twin girls)


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